

Web Extension to convert YouTube transcripts to Anki cards.

This extension allows to download the transcript of a YouTube video to a CSV that can be imported into Anki or directly send the cards to Anki using AnkiConnect, allowing to use the original audio/video of the current sentence and without having to download the original media.


Progressive web app to measure tasks by the last time you did them.

Since manually tracking events is a tedious task, this app focuses on just saving dates that can be quickly updated.

Useful for practical for remainders, memories, hobbies, repetitive tasks.

Made with React and Parcel bundler.


Application to learn English, through real comments made on Reddit.

This app utilizes the TTS API to read user comments from /r/askreddit, so the user can improve his capacity to understand written and spoken English, as well as seeing the errors he might commit while translating.

It uses the APIs from Reddit and ResponsiveVoice.

Snoo Video

Subreddit video player using the Reddit API, focused on making navigating the videos in a more visual and fast way.

Includes a list for some subreddits, like lectures, documentaries, trailers and more obscure ones.

Made with Svelte and Parcel bundler


Application for practicing English-German translations.

It uses sentences translated by native speakers from the platform Tatoeba ensuring the quality of the text.


Application to recover all usernames and passwords from a database generated by the program "The Dude" from MikroTik.

Made with JS to be executed with node, given the SQlite database file, it will return the users, passwords and devices in plain text.

Flappy Bounce

Simple game, similar to Flappy Bird, but with slightly different mechanics.

Made with a library for creating browser games.


Dark theme created for Hexo, a blogging platform similar to WordPress.

It is completely responsive and created from scratch, with archive, customized pages, RSS, and editable menus.

Also with multi-language support in both Spanish and English.

Totem Remote

Plug-in for Totem, which adds functionality to control it remotely from any other computer or phone without having to install anything in them.

It creates a small web service using Flask (Python) to receive the orders, and it can be added as an application on phones for a more comfortable experience since it's a Progressive Web App.

Last Moment

Plug-in for Totem, which adds the ability to save progress in a show or movie to automatically continue where it was left the last time the video was closed.

Once started, it works totally transparent to the user, integrated like any other function of the player.

Written in python and designed to work on Linux.


Simple repetition tool to practice the irregular English Verbs.

The objective of this app was to create a Progressive Web App capable of working offline.


Desktop Web app, completely multiplatform, created with electron, Angular.js, HTML, CSS and JS.

It is a fairly simple notes application that uses SQLite as a database.

Supports multiple options like: markdown, order, searches, archived, trash.

Nick Cage Telegram bot

This bot is meant to be a joke, basically it returns phrases and GIFs of the actor Nicolas Cage.

The goal was to learn how to make a bot for Telegram using python.

I use the Giphy API to get the GIFs.

Two more developers ended up using this code to create their own bots.


Some of my scripts, quite useful but small to be considered as projects.

Periscope Subtitles Script for nautilus that searches for subtitles automatically, with only a couple of clicks.

Gif Generator It generates a gif from the selected video, allows configuring frames, size, name.


Tool for practicing typing, has different exercises, checks, saves, displays words per minute and accuracy.

The exercises require a Spanish keyboard.


Radio player using the public API of Jamendo

Unfortunately, it does not work anymore due to a problem of the Jamendo API that they seem to not want to fix.

Personal Site

The site you are visiting right now, build with Gatsby and using MDX for the articles.

If you want to learn about recursion, click the "Live" link.


Random code for learning


A carousel using CSS and JQuery as a concept for a web music player, It got featured on Codepen, it has more than 286 favs, 1156 forks and 51,116 Views.

P5 Sketches

Around 50 experiments where I play with vectors, physics, trigonometry, perlin noise, etc... in a visual way.

German Frequency lists

Frequency lists/German subtitles 1000: This list has been generated from subtitles of movies and television series with a total of about 25 million words in 2009.

Star Wars Intro

The mythical introduction of Star Wars The Force Awakens, made entirely with CSS and without external libraries.